UI Builder
How to update a record in UI Builder


We want a workspace page to update a record with one or more values.


There are two main ways to update a record in UI Builder and both involve using the Update Record data resource.

Using the UI

  1. Click on "+" to open a new data resource
  2. Select the OOB Update Record data resource
  3. Click add and give it an id, for instance update_record
  4. In an event mapping (for instance on a button click) add an event handler and select the update_record data resource
  5. Configure the Table and Record (sys_id)
  6. Click on Edit field values to specify which fields to update
  7. (This is a bit counterintuitive) Add the fields you want to change as is filters. If you want to change 2 fields, you need to add them as 2 is filters.
  8. Click Submit

Using scripting

(Steps 1-4 are the same as above)

  1. Click on "+" to open a new data resource
  2. Select the OOB Update Record data resource
  3. Click add and give it an id, for instance update_record
  4. In an event mapping (for instance on a button click) add an event handler and select the update_record data resource
  5. In the event mapping configuration select Script mode
  6. In the Script section add something like the following:
    function handler({api,event, helpers, imports}) {
        let fields = "value=" + api.state.date_format; // Note query syntax
            table: "sys_properties",
            recordId : api.data.getsystemproperty.output.sysId,
            templateFields: fields,
            useSetDisplayValue: false